Sunday, July 31, 2011

33 Weeks

I am 33 weeks along as of yesterday and still feeling well(ish). I can't complain too much, but there are definitely discomforts here and there. For starters, there's Wyatt's movements. I think he may have gotten ahold of a switch blade somewhere, because his kicks and stretches are downright painful at times! And because I'm carrying him pretty low, I sometimes get a heaviness on my bladder that can feel pretty intense if he moves just right. Oh, and did I mention my lovely varicose veins? I have a few at the top of my right leg. Luckily clothing conceals them, but they are still pretty frightening! Just another wonderful symptom of pregnancy. My OB said it's fairly common and they should go away after delivery. SHOULD?! Between those and my sluggish pace of walking, I'm thinking all I need are a pair of orthopedic shoes and a girdle and my transition into a geriatric patient will be complete (I'm seriously considering the girdle for after delivery...).

Now that I've shared my aches and pains with you (and possibly grossed you out), I'll leave you with today's pic. I am actually wearing the same dress that I wore in my 33 week pic with Ethan. I've posted both, as I think it's interesting to see the difference in my belly between the two.

With Ethan:


Wishing you a great week.


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